August 15, 2011

Five Things You Should Know About Adult Asthma

About 44 million people in Asia Pacific suffer from asthma. The numbers are on the rise especially China and India where there is rapid industrialization and urbanization. Dr. Mariko Koh, Director of the Pulmonary Function Laboratory and Asthma Programme at Singapore General Hospital, tell us more about adult asthma:
1.     Chronic inflammation of the airways. When the airways are inflamed, mucus forms, obstructing airflow, causing breathlessness, wheezing and tightness in the chest.
2.     Common triggers.
Exposure to all allergens such dust mites, cockroaches, pets and pollen can trigger asthma. Tobacco smoke, respiratory infections, exercise and some medications like aspirin and beta blockers are also possible triggers.
3. There is no cure. But asthma can be controlled with medication. The mainstay of asthma treatment is inhaled corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and obstruction of the airways. Reliever medications may be used to treat acute symptoms. Take note: It is not too late to take medication after asthma attack.
4.     Take medication daily. To ensure good control over asthma, medication must be taken daily on a long term basis to prevent attacks. Also, go to your doctor for regular checkups.
5.     Quality of life. Asthma suffers can lead normal active normal lives as long as the symptoms are well controlled. Taking medication as directed and avoiding triggers can make a big difference to the quality of life.