August 10, 2011

Animo Wellness ‘live green’ tips

  • Adjust your computer: Be sure you are not straining your neck to look down or up at your computer monitor. It should be visible ahead.
  • Switch ears: If you are constantly on the telephone with the receiver to the same ear, switch sides often. If you rest the phone on your shoulder, failure to switch sides can cause muscle imbalance, tension headaches, and neck and shoulder stiffness.
  • Remodel your work area: periodically rearrange your work area, especially items you frequently reach for. This will prevent your body from developing muscle imbalance due to repetitive stress.
  • Stress is a major factor in unnecessary office snacking. Pre-pack baby carrots, fruits and veggies to bring with you when you feel the need to nibble.
  • What to nibble on: carrots and other veggies can satisfy the need for crunchy food; fruits, like grapes, help curb the need for something sweet. Gum is great, too.
  • Keep a food diary: It may seem like a chore, but jotting down everything you eat, even for only one week, and your feelings that moment, may shed light on your work eating habits.
  • Make a meal plan. Write everything you will eat for the whole week, keeping in mind when and how long you will work out on certain days.
  • Saying “No!” out loud brings you back into the present, preventing mindless eating, and makes you aware of your choice not to partake.
  • Lunch breaks are not just for lunch. Walk for half of your lunch hour. It reduces physical and emotional stress and is great way to stay in shape.
  • Drink plenty of water. This helps keep your body hydrated and working efficiently.

-From Daily Inquirer Newspaper (Lifestyle Wellness)


  1. I officially love your blog! :) The content is great.
